Component Odyssey is made up of several different modules.
In section 2, Building Your First Component, the course introduces the long-running project. Each subsequent section will build on top of your current progress of the project. Because of this, I recommend that you go through each section sequentially.
If you’re not interested in completing the main project, then it’s totally fine for you to jump into the sections that interest you the most.
Most lessons contain a video and some accompanying text. They both offer the same content in different forms, so it’s worth reviewing both before completing the lesson. Many lessons also contain multiple videos, like solutions for exercises, so make sure you haven’t missed anything.
To mark a lesson as complete, you can click the “Complete” button at the bottom of each lesson.
Many lessons also contain runnable code snippets and exercises, so be sure not to miss them.
The runnable code examples are rendered using an open-source library called Sandpack Lit. It was built specifically for Component Odyssey, and you’re welcome to use it in your own projects.
Some lessons also contain a more involved code exercise. In those lessons, you’ll be shown how to download the starter code. The starter code will contain a